Billing and Payments
Annual assessments are due every year, whether patrons use their water or not. The first installment is due on March 1 and the second installment is due on July 1. There is a 30-day grace period after these due dates and then interest will begin to accrue on unpaid assessments. In September, a motion will be made at the board meeting to file liens on all accounts that have a delinquent status.
If patrons would prefer to make monthly payments throughout the year, please call TID or visit the office and staff will happily help set up a payment plan.

Tumalo Irrigation District is now processing electronic payments on-line, over the phone, and at the District office. Visa, MC, Discover, and AmEx are accepted. However, there will be a convenience fee of 2.5%, or TID can process an electronic check for a flat fee of $2.00.